So what's the challenge requirement this week you ask, eh?
The challenge requirement this week is:
to add a little maple leaf to your creations (it can be a small one, a big one -
whatever you would like :)
We are joined by our guest designers Shari and Lindsay - who wowed us with their creations from Challenge #36: Beauty and the Beast. Thank you ladies for playing along with us!!!
Sankari's Card:
is for now in my head :)
hopefully it will make its way out of my head and onto a card sometime soon :)
a big thanks to Shari and Lindsay for being our wonderful guest designers this week!
hugs to all :)
Brooke card inspired by "Strange Brew"
(p.s. I know that I spelled the "eh" wrong on the card. I will fix it later")
Who doesn't love good doughnuts, eh? Since we watched this movie with the older kids I asked them what should I use for my inspiration? My DH said I should use a doughnut.. They make a huge deal about doughnuts 3 times in the movie.. So here you go, eh! I also wanted to use other elements of Canada in the card so I made a flannel shirt for the background, French script, and the Canadian Flag of course, eh! This movie is totally weird and I think all men/boys have seen it.. I did find the first part of the movie the funniest and had a little "Wayne's World" flash back.. "Rick Moranis" and "Dave Thomas" are so funny and they can't stop saying "eh" at the end of every sentence.. These two are the Canadian version of "Homer Simpson". I swear I have seen a episode more than once where Homer has eaten or drank more that her should have and gets stuck... This movie is one of those that you will probably have to own due to boys/men in the house.. I think I will not be watching this movie but listening to it for a long time to come..
If you think these to guys sound familiar as a team. You have probably hear them in the Disney movie "Brother Bear" they are the brother Mooses/Meese. (trivia)
Can't wait to hear what you all think of this film...
Lindsay's Card Inspired by the movie: Strange Brew:
So this was deffinately a hard one! I probably would never have picked this movie to play along with, but my Hubby enjoyed it! I couldn't get him to stop talking in a Candian accent and saying Eh? for hours!!! lol So this card was made for my husband. He loved the little mouse in the bottle. This movie had this Elizabethan feel to it in parts where it shows this castle and factory atop the hills, which inspired the look of this cart with the muted tones the distressed look on the papers. I used DCWV Happily Ever After. But this was obviously a comedy kind of cheesy and funny in a drunken goofball kinda way soooooo when you open the door to this seemingly scerene and beautiful card you have the little mouse from the bottle asking "where's my free beer Eh?"

Check out Lindsay's blog for more details of her beautiful and hilarious card :)
Shari's Card Inspired by the movie: Strange Brew:
I am so excited to be able to guest design this week for this awesome Challenge blog! Thanks so much Brooke and Sankari for picking my Project from last weeks "Beauty and the Beast". This weeks Movie as you all know now is Strange Brew. I absolutely love this movie and have seen it more times then I can count. It's a bit weird at times, but Hilarious! I chose the mugs since the movie is all about beer. They say "hoser and Eh" a lot in the movie, so I felt the sentiment went well. I actually don't drink beer, but felt my card could be any drink really. Thanks again Ladies and if you haven't seen this movie, rent it!
Check out Shari's blog for more details of her Cheers-riffic card :)
So are you ready to play along with this week's challenge!!?!!!
We sure hope you join us this week! All you have to do is to make a card or layout or altered project that is inspired by the movie: Strange Brew. The inspiration for your creations can be from the music, the characters, the dialogue, the costumes, etc. This week's requirement is to add a maple leaf to your card.All you have to do is to link your creation to our blog by commenting on this post with a link to your direct post with your creation. You can add the direct link of your blog post to Mr. Linky - not your whole blog - because it makes finding your card int he future much easier. Kristina Werner has created a wonderful video showing how to do this.
Please link to our blog by this Thursday, July 2nd by 9pm PST!
Can't wait to see your creations!! So come on and play along eh?!!
Can't wait to see your creations!! So come on and play along eh?!!
big Hugs to All!!!!
Sankari and Brooke!