Saturday, August 28, 2010

Cinema Saturday Creative Challenge #93 ~ ANNIE

Annie! This broadway musical turned movie was based on the comic strip of the adventures of Orphan Annie and was nominated for two Oscars. The songs in this movie have continued in popularity as numerous of schools and production companies continue to perform their own Annie musical. For ourchallenge requirement, we went with the obvious :), to use some red accents (it can be a little or a whole lot!!!) that is inspired by some part of the movie!
Here is Brooke's clip pick from the movie:" I picked this little snippet because it was my most favorite part of the movie when I was younger.. We even got to do this very scene in dancing and all in Jr high for choir... xoxo~ Brooke

*****Never seen Annie before or want to watch it again- you can watch all 13 segments of it on YOUTUBE or if you have NETFLIX, this movie is on the watch instantly section! If you know the words to the song, you are definitely going to want to sing along - who can resist :)???

Brooke's Card inspired by the movie: Annie
When I was searching for Friday's sneak peek photos I finally decided on my inspiration for this card... Annie's dress!
RED with black and white trim. GOOD LUCK to you all there are soooo many cute thing to get inspiration from.. I really wanted to incorporate the locket as well hence the little hearts on my card.. The I love you is for the sweetest and funniest part of the movie.. The sweetest part of of course the "I LOVE YOU DADDY WARBUCKS"! & "I LOVE YOU ANNIE".. The funny part is the way the little orphans tell Ms. Hannigan "We love you Ms. Hannigan" And she never believes then... The Congrats is on the grand uniting of a family... CONGRATS on the adoption of Annie.

Some of my favorite player in the movie...
Carol Burette
Tim Curry
Bernadette Peters
Aileen Quinn
Albert Finney
Punjab (or the sprite guy as we might all remember him as.)

Hope you enjoy the movie...


Sankari's Card inspired by the movie: Annie
I remember watching this movie way back when and always remembering that "the sun will come out tomorrow" and that always made me feel good - that no matter HOW hard (or maybe I should say, how "hard-knocked" ;) your day was, there is always tomorrow! So I thought I would create that very sentimented card with a little red Annie dress (cut out of felt) and create a simple little card that you can give to someone if they are having a rough day:

Who is your favorite character from the movie? It used to be Annie and Miss Hannigan used to scare me - she seemed so mean. Well, watching it while making this card, I actually grew very fond of Carol Burnett's characterization of Miss Hannigan - seriously - she is hilarious (and still mean) but somehow watching this movie now makes me have a special fondness for Ms. Hannigan (she is so hilarious - Carol Burnett is a genius!).
I loved making this card - and anything to do with Annie always makes me feel happy and makes me look forward to tomorrow and all of its possibilities.
You can check out more details about this card here!
Sankari :)

A big thank you to all of you who played along with us this week! Your creations for Napoleon Dynamite were so flippin' sweet! Our Audrey Award goes to Virginia!! Virginia's creation caught our attention this week - check out her creative entry here - and we would love for you to be our guest designer for next week!

Who's going to be our next guest designer? It could be you! All you have to do is to create a card, layout, 3D creation - that is inspired by the movie: ANNIE and uses the challenge requirement to use red accents (a little or a WHOLE lot!) in your creation. You creation can be inspired by anything in the movie, from the themes in the movie, to the dialogue, costumes, character, music, lyrics, quotes, events in the movie, furniture, time period - anything at all that inspires your creative "light bulb" to go on!! Please share with us - where you got your inspiration from because we love reading about your creative process!!!

You can post your challenge entry anytime from now till Thursday September 2nd at 8pm CST! Can't wait to see your beautiful creations!
Big hugs,
the Cinema Sisters

(Cannot add links: Registration/trial expired)

Friday, August 27, 2010

Sneak Peek Friday

T.G.I.F. everyone... Today I officially have not kids at home with me anyone during school hours..(sniff,sniff) My oldest is a senior and my baby is a first grader...WHO TOLD THEM THEY COULD GROW UP!!! Not my!!! Check out my blog to see all the back to school photos...
My DH took the day off work so we could hang out without kids... Not sure what we are going to do yet???

For now here is a little sneak peek of another AMAZING movie...


1st sneak peek
Sneak Peek #2

Sneak Peek #3


Saturday, August 21, 2010

Cinema Saturday Creative Challenge #92 - Napoleon Dynamite

Welcome Everyone to our 92nd movie challenge where this week we are featuring the 2004 movie Napoleon Dynamite, which won 10 awards including a Grammy! As everyone starts back to school, we thought it would fun to do this movie because its "flippin sweet"! If you haven't seen this movie - it might seem strange at first because its almost like a different quirky world that you get transported to as you see things in the eyes of Napoleon, but we are sure that it will have you laughing - and maybe even make you want to dance along with Napoleon in one special dance scene that is definitely memorable!!! The challenge requirement this week is to create a card with a pocket or a container card - but the MOST important thing is to completely have FUN!!!! We hope you will get your dance groove on as you get ready for fall and play along with our Napoleon Dynamite challenge!!!!

Brooke's Project inspired by the movie~ Napoleon Dynamite

This is Napoleon backpack that he found at the D.I.(local thrift shop) he thought it was FLIPPIN' SWEET... (Which is a total UTAH/IDAHO~ ism..)

What would Napoleon fill in this said backpack of his... Well CHAPSTICK of course because "My Lips hurt real bad" as he would say... Napoleon being the groovy nerd that he is would take the time to pick out very special pencils.. So I found some that honored Napoleon...
"OH MY HECK" (another UTAH/IDAHO~ism). Napoleon would have also pick out a few items for his locker.. These magnets should do the trick. That way he can have a picture of his favorite brother KIP who reminds him daily that he had mad computer skills and "Don't be Jealous that I've been chatting online with babes all day Napoleon..."
Have you ever seen a LIGER? I have.. We have a stuffed on at a museum here in Utah.. I remember seeing SHASTA as it was called when I was little.. "Liger's are Mystical creators you know". ( at least Napoleon thinks so)

This movie is one of those cult movies you just don't get the first time you see it.. But even days later you find yourself laughing at a line or scene from the movie and you get sucked into watching it again and laughing your head of... This movie cracks me up the little town of Preston, Idaho is just over the border from Utah.. So basically this little town was just like any little town in Utah.. Any yes the saying are really said.. Like HECK YA instead of HELL YA. You wouldn't want to swear now would you.. LOL. One of my favorite scenes of all time is Napoleon doing the dance for Pedro's campaign.. Laugh you butt(as we would say in Utah/Idaho~ism's) funny. John Header is such an amazing character actor.. How could you not laugh you pants of while making this movie...

to you all.. Can't wait to see what your favorite saying from this movie are...
For all the details on the project check come over here.


Sankari's Project inspired by the movie~ Napoleon Dynamite

CONFESSION TIME: The first time that I sat down to watch this movie - I thought I would REALLY NOT like it - I found the first 15 minutes SO strange and told my DH that I thought this movie was really NOT my style - but by the end of the movie - I was totally cracking up and absolutely love this movie! There are so many memorable quotes from this movie - all that crack me up in different ways - but my favorite quote would have to be when Napoleon starts to list the "flippin' sweet" skillz that girls like guys to have"like Numchuck skills, Bowhunting Skills, computer hacking skills" LOL!!!! I still laugh and even as I am typing those skills - I can totally hear Napoleon's voice in my head saying those words. So I printed out the graphics of the three skills and then created this card with three pockets for them:

I absolutely can't tell you HOW much fun I had making this card - it was so nice to watch little snippets of this video and totally crack up while crafting :)

I hope you guys will play along to this flippin' sweet movie challenge!!!
Big hugs!
Sankari :)
Thank you to all those who played along with us with our Gandhi movie challenge - it was beautiful to read your posts about your memories about the movie or what you were affected by. We loved every single card and post! Ira's card caught our attention and we would love it if you would join us next week as our guest designer!

Who's going to be our next guest designer? It could be you! All you have to do is to create a card, layout, 3D creation - that is inspired by the movie: Napoleon Dynamite and uses the challenge requirement to create a pocket or container card in your creation. You creation can be inspired by anything in the movie, from the themes in the movie, to the dialogue, costumes, character, music, lyrics, quotes, events in the movie, furniture, time period - anything at all that inspires your creative "light bulb" to go on!! Please share with us - where you got your inspiration from because we love reading about your creative process!!!

You can post your challenge entry anytime from now till Thursday August 26th at 8pm CST! Can't wait to see your flippin' sweet creations!!!
Big hugs,
the Cinema Sisters

(Cannot add links: Registration/trial expired)

Friday, August 20, 2010

sneak Peek Friday

Morning everyone...
We love the cards you've all made inspired my the movie GANDHI absolutely stunning.. Thanks for joining us as we journey through different genres and movies from all around the world.. If you haven't guessed by know we are a very eclectic couple of girls... We hope you are enjoying the ride and have found a few new favorite movies to add to you favorites list...

Sneak Peek #1
Sneak Peek #2

Sneak Peek #3

See you soon

Saturday, August 14, 2010

Cinema Saturday Creative Challenge #91: Gandhi

Welcome to our 91st Cinema challenge - where this week we are featuring the 8 time Oscar winning movie (including Best Picture, Best Director, Best Actor in a leading role..) released in 1982: GANDHI. Since August 15th (tomorrow) is the celebration of the Indian Independence Day from British Rule and the day that India was born as a sovereign nation - we thought it would we could honor this celebration by featuring this movie that follows the life of MK Gandhi and shows how he was transformed from a lawyer in South Africa to become a national leader in the move for Independence and a national treasure. This movie is beyond inspirational - it shows the multi-level complexity in the struggle for Independence - but more than anything it shows how the simplicity of truth and conviction in one person's heart - changed a nation forever.

"Generations to come, it may well be, will scarce believe that such a man as this one ever in flesh and blood walked upon this Earth."- Einstein

There are so many lovely and inspiring quotes in this movie (not just from Gandhi-ji) and so we thought for our challenge requirement today - we could "Quote it Up" . Use a quote that is inspired from the movie in your creation! If you haven't seen this movie its a definite must!

Brooke's card inspired by the movie ~ GANDHI

Live as if you were to die tomorrow.
Learn as if you were to live forever.

When I think of Gandhi I think of simplicity and the color white. Gandhi is such a dedicated example of peace with out violence.. When in South Africa he was unfairly treated because he was an Indian... He lead a non-violent movement to gain equal rights for the Indian people in South Africa. Gandhi was invited to return home and help bring India's it's Independence from the British Empire. Gandhi agrees and again approached the effort without violence. He faced many troubles along the way and is even imprisoned.

When India is trying to define who was during the early years of it's rebuild as a nation there is a huge conflict between the Hindus and the Muslims.. It erupts into a nation-wide violent upheaval. Gandhi declares a hunger strike, saying he will not eat until the fighting stops..

A defining moment for me is Gandhi's conviction to non-violence.. He will forever live in his example of peace and wisdom.

I hope you all enjoy this movie and leave enlightened with peace and a new way to solve conflict as I did.

Sankari's card inspired by the movie ~ GANDHI
I remember the first time I watched this movie was sitting in between my parents at the historic Senator theater in Maryland when the movie came out. I was almost 9 years old at the time (way too little for certain parts of the movie where there is fighting) but watching that movie with my parents and a whole theater full of Indian people on Independence day left a deep impression. I watched my parents cry, I heard those around me sing with certain parts of the movie and clap when Independence was announced and at the end of the movie - we all stood as one and applauded. I have watched it again and again since that early age of 9 and every single time I have been moved in a different way. The courage and conviction to stand against the might of the British Empire - in the most simple way - to not raise arms and fight - still gives me goosebumps and inspires me.
What Gandhi-ji (btw- to add "ji" at the end of his name is a way to show respect - kinda like adding a mr. before a name) did was to show the inhumane-ness of violence when no one strikes back. I love the quote of his: " An eye for an eye makes the whole world blind". But then I also love this quote: "Be the change you wish to see in the world." and was so excited to see it in rubber (from Unity stamps).
The ribbon is white twill that is inspired by Gandhi-ji's movement for home spun cotton so that it wasn't being imported from Britain and also for his simplicity of cloth, home and food. The hearts for me symbolize the love of a nation and the colors are more of an earth tone - the way that he was with Mother India. I loved making this card and loved watching this movie again with my parents before I made this card.

One thing that I will say is that there are some parts that are hard for me to watch - even now -but I thought that director Richard Attenborough really honored India and Gandhi in the making of this movie -and Ben Kingsley's portrayal of Gandhi is amazing!

Can't wait to see your quoted up movie creations!!!
Hugs Sankari

Regarding our AUDREY WINNERS - We loved your Casino Royale posts and are still going through your StarDust creations and will post the Audrey winners for both together! I still have to go through your gorgeous creations on the road home (we are driving 14 hours later today) and will try to post it later on this evening (so grateful for the internet in my phone :) ! Thanks for being patient with us and our choosing of the Audrey winners - its been hard during the summer to blog and card make & enjoy family time - but you guys are like our Cinema Family and we simply adore being able to be connected to all of you with blogging! Hope that each of you are enjoying your summer and will play along with us this week!!!

Play along with us by linking your blog post with this challenge below. Your creation can be inspired by any theme or aspect from the movie: GANDHI and should use the challenge requirement OF USING A QUOTE IN YOUR CARD. Your creation can be inspired by any aspect of the movie from the characters, memorable quotes, costumes, songs, dialogue, themes, furniture etc. - let us know where you got your inspiration from - we love reading how you translate an idea into your creation!

Thanks so much for playing along with us this week!
We can't wait to see your quoted up creations!
The Cinema Sisters

(Cannot add links: Registration/trial expired)

Friday, August 13, 2010

Sneak Peek Friday

Howdy Howdy Everyone!
Were did the SUMMER go! We start back to school August 24 & 25th... That means we only have ONE more week of summer vacation.. I don't know about you but that make me VERY sad :( HUGE changes for me this year.

1st Sneak Peek
Sneak Peek #2

Sneak Peek #3


Friday, August 6, 2010

Join us August 14th for our next Cinema Saturday challenge.. The Cinema Sisters are having a little summer holiday this week...

HAPPY SUMMER to you all!
