All you have to do is make a card or layout or altered project that is inspired by the movie: SIXTEEN CANDLES The inspiration for your creations can be from the music, the characters, the dialogue, the costumes, etc. This week’s requirement is to create a birthday card inspired by 80's colors!!!! We can’t wait to see what lovely creations you create this week!!!
All you have to do is to link your creation to our blog by linking to your specific post for this challenge on your blog/SCS/PCP/etc/ thru Mr. Linky. If Mr. Linky is down for some reason – please link to your blog by leaving a link to your blog in the comment section. You can check out Kristina Werner’s awesome video on how to link to your direct blog post here.
Please link to our blog by this Thursday, August 20th by 9pm PST.
Big Hugs to All!!!!!!
Sankari and Brooke
You all know that I am sad sad sad to leave a Johnny Depp movie - I had a blast making the rum jug for last week's challenge and was psyched to see all of you that played along with us!!! THANK YOUUUUU!!!! All of your pirate-y, beaded creations were simply fabulicious! Our Audrey goes to Leisa of Big Red Scraps. Leisa's scrapbook page card really caught our eye - love the way the beads come around the "mast post"! We would love it if you would display your Audrey on your page and link backto us - and we would love it if you could be our guest designer for next week!
So are you all ready to play along with this week’s challenge!!!!
All you have to do is make a card or layout or altered project that is inspired by the movie: The Thief Lord. The inspiration for your creations can be from the music, the characters, the dialogue, the costumes, etc. This week’s requirement is to create something with for your sibling (for a brother/sister) or for a friend. We can’t wait to see what lovely creations you create this week!!!
All you have to do is to link your creation to our blog by linking to your specific post for this challenge on your blog/SCS/PCP/etc/ thru Mr. Linky. If Mr. Linky is down for some reason – please link to your blog by leaving a link to your blog in the comment section. You can check out Kristina Werner’s awesome video on how to link to your direct blog post here.
Please link to our blog by this Thursday, August 13th by 9pm PST.
Big Hugs to All!!!!!!
Sankari and Brooke
Ahoy Ye Mateys!!!
Happy August! And what a great way to celebrate the start of a new month then featuring the hit movie: Pirates of the Caribbean: Curse of the Black Pearl, for our 43rd movie for our challenge this week! Woo-hoooo!!! This movie almost went direct to video, but Disney decided to release it to the cinemas and good thing because according to Wikipedia, this movie which is the first of this series went on to receive 68 nominations including 5 Oscar nominations (one of which was for Johnny Depp for his leading role as Captain Jack Sparrow). There are numerous curious facts, trivia, goofs and details at this link on Wikipedia, one of which is that the gold teeth that Johnny Depp had implanted in his teeth were real and were actually implanted by his dentist! Now that is true dedication!
For our challenge requirements this week – how about something a little bit different? How about including some beads in your creation! Hope that sounds like fun to you!!!
Here are our creations from this week’s challenge:
Brooke’s creation as inspired from the movie Pirates of the Caribbean
Sankari’s creation as inspired from the movie Pirates of the Caribbean
Hello lovely ones! I am sorry to be MIA recently – but I am back in the saddle!!! – this summer has been anything but relaxing… I think summer’s are only relaxing when one is young and can frolic the whole day! Between taking the kids to their various lessons, going on vacation, coming back to do vacation laundry and numerous activites in between – I need a personal vacation of my own J And so I was psyched to do Pirates of the Caribbean for our movie challenge this week – since as many of you know, I am somewhat infatuated with/have a major crush on Mr. J Depp himself (insert dreamy sigh here!) And a huge thanks to Libby who sent me this AWESOME card of the Deppster (man – I wish that would some day happen that it would rain JD! Thank you SO Libby – and I have meaning to send something back to you – promise its coming!!!)
So there are a TON of things that I wanted to do for this movie – and I couldn’t pick just one and after making two different projects – I went with an idea I had – why not focus on my f-a-v-o-r-I-t-e line of Johnny Depp/Jack Sparrow from the movie: “But why is the rum gone?” OMGosh – the expression on his face is priceless – I have watched it so many times! And it always cracks me up – so in honor of this line that always brings a smile to my face, I thought I would make a card that looked like a rum bottle of old (inspired by this picture) and have the sentiment on the bottle. I totally enjoyed watching this scene as I made this card and totally feel that JD completely made this movie rock!
You can check out my blog for more Johnny Depp infatuation stories (lol!) and details of my card J
Hugs to all,
Sankari J
Thank you to Julia, Radha and Amy for playing along in our last challenge– we are always thrilled to see all of your lovely creations!!
So are you all ready to play along with this week’s challenge!!!!
All you have to do is make a card or layout or altered project that is inspired by the movie: Pirates of the Caribbean: Curse of the Black Pearl (which is the first movie in the series, but if you are really inspired to do something from any of the other Pirate movies – that is cool too!) The inspiration for your creations can be from the music, the characters, the dialogue, the costumes, etc. This week’s requirement is to create something with beads in it – we can’t wait to see what beaded creations you create this week!!!
All you have to do is to link your creation to our blog by linking to your specific post for this challenge on your blog/SCS/PCP/etc/ thru Mr. Linky. If Mr. Linky is down for some reason – please link to your blog by leaving a link to your blog in the comment section. You can check out Kristina Werner’s awesome video on how to link to your direct blog post here.
Please link to our blog by this Thursday, August 5 by 9pm PST.
Big Hugs to All!!!!!!
Sankari and Brooke