Hello ladies! A huge THANKS to Taylor for being our SUPER STAR this week and being soooo generous with you time, talent and stamps! And a HUGE thanks to Juli for being our guest designer... We love you both...
Here is the first sneak Peek.

Sorry I have been missing to day.. My Mother -in-law is visiting and we have went to lunch and went quilt fabric shopping... We had a great time!


I think we are in for a late night... I haven't made my card.. We are making an Amy Butler "Birdie Sling Bad" Tonight... I miss sewing.. It's been so fun lately to get back into it...

All most finished my bag... Yahoo.. I am soooo loving it.. Off to make my card... Hello it's midnight..LOL
See you all in the A.M.
Ok this one definitely has me stumped with the first sneak..have no clue as to what it is much less the cinema hehe.
Hi Brooke,
glad to see you back! I hope you're feeling much better now!!!
I've no idea about the first sneak peek...waiting for my husband to come home from work, he's much better at guessing than I am...
Hey Brooke u r better!???
Hhmmm - this will be my only peek before leaving for the weekend - a Star Trek movie maybe? Or Wall-e? Some kind of celestial or UFO light rays shining down on a city on a bay. Oooo, ooo - how about City of Angels? I loved the soundtrack from that movie - wasn't that Meg Ryan and Nicolas Cage? Will be looking forward to seeing, and playing along, when I get home! Dh and I are off to celebrate our 15th Anniversary by helping present a Worldwide Marriage Encounter Weekend! :)
I'm totally with Juli on the celestial ray feeling! I'm goin with Ghost. Hope you feel better soon, Brooke!
Thanks for the well wishes ladies.. I have had a Kidney stone.. So I am basically a time bomb... It's not fun... But oh well I could be a lot worse off...
Hi Brooke!! Good to see you back -hope you'll be all well soon!!
I like Juli's guess with the UFO lights...
Okay, I'm going with The Never Ending Story. Don't know why, it just popped into my head! Brooke, I hope you feel better soon! Being sick is the pits!
Bill and Ted's Excellent Adventure! I know, it's a wild guess.
I really love the Bill and Ted's guess. I was also thinking Dark Crystal or Legend? Who knows! Can't wait to see what it is tomorrow.
feel better soon Brooke.. i only saw it once when i was really young so i cant be sure but maybe E.T???
I have completely NO idea! :) I'm sorry you have kidney stones...my hubby gets them all the time, no fun! I hope it passes soon. :)
Hmmm. Seems really familiar! That third pic looks like a long ago time period... hmmmmmmmm :-)
Hey Megan Girl.. How the heck are you.. So glad you stopped by.
Thanks for all the HUGS everyone!
Hey Megan Girl.. How the heck are you.. So glad you stopped by.
Hey! :) I am loving this! So from the first two pictures my hubby was thinking X-Men or Fantastic Four, but I'm thinking it doesn't look like that anymore. :) Can't wait to find out and play! :)
My wild guess is "Horse whisperer"
Hugs Susie xx
Yeah, the last pic might be a horse's head. I too thought of the Never Ending Story, but I'm not sure with the horse in this movie...
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