Friday, July 2, 2010

Sneak Peek Friday

Canada and the USA!
I hope you all have great plans this weekend..

Sorry I didn't join in all the "State Fair" fun I was trekin' across Wyoming by handcart with our youth church group.. It was an AMAZING trip... I am off to watch this weeks movie and create a project...

Sneak Peek #1

Sneak Peek #2
Sneak Peek #3

Back in a few for another sneak peek..
Cinema Sisters


Shaz said...

I am a terrible guesser but 007 is in my guess?!?!
Happy Canada and Fourth of july everyone!

scrapperjulia said...

I have a feeling that it will have something to do with patriotism. How about JFK, Born on the Fourth of July or Independence Day?

Erica said...

What about Almost Famous?

Jaimee said...

those legs are telling me its bend it like beckham!

Anonymous said...

I'm totally clueless!

Nancy K said...

I'm with Jaimee on the Bend it Like Beckham!