Happy Friday Everyone.. We hope you were "UP" to the challenge.. What a great movie for all ages.. Thanks to everyone that join us this week we look forward to see you all each week.. WE were OVER THE MOON to see a few new and returning players this week...
What a beautiful week we have had.. My family and I have enjoyed beautiful weather here in Utah. SOOOO good for the soul. I have made time to just sit in the sun for a least 40-60 minutes and watch my little on play and chat with girlfriends each day. And Sankari has been enjoying her family this week with a visit from here parents for her sweet daughters big 3rd birthday... Happy Birthday little Princess Cupcake "U"..
Put on your thinking caps and join in the guessing game. We have some of the most amazingly brilliant guessers each week. When we manage to stump you all it's like a badge of honor.. We really do celebrate when we win...LOL... If you are new to our challenge please join in the fun and make a guess.. You never know????
Sneak Peek #1

Sneak Peek #2
Sneak Peek #3

the Cinema Sisters
Ok today I am going to be the first one out there I guess hehe. First peak and first thing on my mind was Pure Country or Horse Whisperer. I thought the first picture looks like a barn...so you have a couple o fmy guesses...will see with each new peak if they stand true.
I don't know, there seems to be a reflction like someone is looking out a window and their face is being reflected. Or is that just me? Maybe I need a stronger pair of reading glasses. I do have such a hard time with these tiny images. OLD EYES here ladies... :O)
hey, my word for verification is saggerme ( I resemble that remark). heeheehee
Good morning Iona and Betty...
Betty Sometimes the Verifications make me laugh as well... Such random nonsense.. lol
Sorry Betty in advance.. Get out you glasses. It's uploaded as big as I can get it....
It looks like a painting to me...my first thought was Girl with the Pearl Earring, but looks too "modern" for that one. Hmmmm...
PS I love the verifications -glad others do to. Today is "morsh" as in: "My brain is morsh today" :)
Love it Nancy we should all type our Verification words and come up with an explanation as best we can... LOL
Sorry Girls I guess you don't have to Verify if it's your own blog...lol play on though...
Hmmm..no idea what the movie could be. I am so excited to have NEW MOON pop up as a challenge..I always see NEW MOON in the hints. Wishful thinking I guess!! I will give the clues some thinking and see what all the talented guessers think about them!
My verification is Grati.
I am not GRATI as guessin the movie!!;)
You are the "GRATI"est Illustrator I know.
You are a very clever girl as well.
no idea about the movie... but I can't resist my verification: "hasheads" ... hey, is that a hint, too?!? It has heads? Several heads?!?
Anyway, it's one of these rare weekends when I've got the chance to stay at home and stamp, so I hope I know the movie or can get it quickly on DVD! See you tomorrow, good night from Europe!
Hey Op!
I thought it was hash heads as in Marijuana. heeheehee...
Heheheheeee my was chonsop as in "keep your chons up!"
hmmm, my guess is the secret garden. i have NO clue as usual. I didn't even see that movie just to show you :)
Ugh! Great cropping girls...I have got so many possibilities in my head. Ummm...how about Footloose or Finding Neverland? Random, I know.
So, my favorite kind of licorice is "twred" twisted and red. :)
MAWHAAAA! I am loving this...
And I finally have a verification code.. I must have signed our...LOL
"tesse" Tesse is very messy because she just got ink all over herself..
It's true.. I am replacing all my ink cartridges and the black exploded all over...
Rats.. I typed the Verification wrong... New word...
"Browne" I could really go for a "Browne" right now.. And I would if I wasn't trying be really good.
Check you all later...
Gosh, that third pic sure gets me thinking about the meadow in New Moon!! Yeah, I know..get a life! Nancy, Footloose would be a FUN ONE!!
I wingle when I walk!!
Something to with a ROSE & LOVE
/\- /\
I was trying to make a face:))
Ohhh! Nancy you might be right with Footloose. I love that movie!
I am going to go way out in left field here and guess...Hope Floats? Remember that one with Sandra Bullock and Harry Connick Jr.?
my verification word is Feavires. I don't like feavires!!1 LOL I have no idea how you could take that word.
My first thought was Bed of Roses. But the roses were Sterlings and they are sort of grey - purple.
But that movie makes me cry every time I watch it.
My word is calike
Male ca leeke maha is Hawaii's way to say Merry Christmas to you!
Thanks for playing along everyone what a fun day!
Hhmmm - the first peek looks like the old barn from Mamma Mia - but I know that's been done already. so - as usual no clue! lol :)
Wait - has "Under the Tuscan Sun" been done?
OKAY _ so ...drum roll please....
IT'S A BOY! We welcomed Joshua Raphael on Thursday in the wee hours of the morning - which fits, cuz he is the smallest of our four so far at 7 lb., 9 oz.! (All others were 8 & 9 lbs! And Joshua was a the latest one by two days too!)
TANK YOU for all your good wishes these past couple of weeks. I'll post a pic along with his birth announcement on my blog - hopefully this weekend sometime.
PS - my verification word = "implight" - think that means I'm being impolite sharing my news in this public place?! ;) heehee
Congrats to Juli and family :)
I love little new born babies. Enjoy every moment they don't last long. But you know that...
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