Today we are going to have sneak peeks (they are coming! as are all the winners - we promise!) We are both super super super excited about tomorrow's movie - we PROMISE that it will be a fun one!!! Here is a quick sneak peek will you wait!
Brooke is the queen of sneak peeks - but here is my quick attempt! LOL! I KNOW, I know that its clouds - but honestly - you guys are SO good - that I had to start out with a sneak peek of clouds :))
1st Sneak Peek

I'm here :)
I was on a sneak peek hunt when Sankari was posting this LOL
Sneak Peek #2
Sneak Peek #3
Back soon :)
Don't forget there is blog candy tomorrow!!! More sneak peeks soon!!!
the Cinema Sisters :)
Since "Alice In Wonderland" just came out, and Johnny Depp is in it, and the cinema sisters promised us sometheing very special this week, I'm guessing Alice In Wonderland! I didn't see it yet so this is just a wild guess
Oooh! I'm gonna have to agree, because you know, Mother knows best! :)
Oh Mother and Daughter... You need to post a pick of the two of you together for us all :)
the second pic looks like a beautiful dress-maybe even a wedding dress..hmm
My guess "Runaway Bride" with Julia Roberts & Richard Gere.
Last week I just wasn't feelin' Bueler. But this looks romantic and I am in a real funk and could use something sweet and funny and romantic. ok I am outta here!
Diana, you reading this? :-D
That's Anne Hathaway/The White Queen's dress. I agree, it's Alice In Wonderland.
I need a pig!
3rd pic is someone's necktie but I couldn't actually tell you who's (I must be slipping ;-) )
Which reminds me, anyone recognise Alice's father? It's Celeborn (Galadriel's man) from Lord Of The Rings!
I was thinking Runaway Bride too. Looking forward to finding out :o)
I would love it to be Alice!!!
me tooooo!!!
How about 4 weddings & a funeral?
Always late with the guesses, but today I actually got in before it was posted LOL
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