Welcome Everyone to our 60th Cinema Challenge, which also happens to be our first Challenge of the New Year!!! YAY!!! We missed all of you and are so happy to "see" you again!!! Today we start with the Oscar winning movie: The Chronicles of Narnia: The Lion, The Witch and the Wardrobe! This movie is based on the famous series by acclaimed writer C.S Lewis (it has sold over 120 million copies!!
One thing that we were thinking to do is to have a little inspiration corner for each movie - we know its hard to sometimes to figure out what you want to do (BOY do we know THAT!! Lol!) There are so many wonderful themes, colors, and inspiration in each movie and sometimes it might be hard to find an inspiration starting point -so here are some ideas to help you get started!! Again - these are just ideas - we can't wait to see what inspires YOU!!!

- Themes from the movie: friendship, faith, destiny, journey, seasons, adventure and of course there are so many more - but just some ideas to help you get you started.
- Visual inspiration: Here are some pictures that you can use as inspiration for your creations (you can pick out colors or textures etc. that moves you!) but of course feel free to pick some other picture or still from the movie for your inspiration! (The pictures of Mr. Tumnus, The White Witch and Battle scene are linked to their original sites)

- Sometimes its helpful to check out more about the movie or watch the trailer to refresh it in your mind. Here are some links you can check out for more information aboutthe Chronicles of Narnia:
For more about the author: C.S Lewis click here
For more about this beautiful series - click here
Hope that this helps! Again, these are all just ideas! We can't wait to see what inspires you from the movie! I think that is part of the process that I simply love - translating an idea from the movie into a card :) Speaking of which - here are our cards for this week's movie:
Brooke's card inspired by the Movie:"The Lion the witch and the Wardrobe"
My memories of this story go way back to 4th grade.. My teacher read this book out loud to the class. I was hooked.. I love the magical world and she was a great storyteller. When we had our book fair that year at school I snapped up another book "The Silver Chair". I was so excited to have another book from this series even if it was not the next book in the series. As I grew older I enjoyed learning more of the religious undertones that C.S. Lewis had intended.. I think of all the movies that have been made of this story I really enjoy this the most...
Hugs and Happy New Year!
Sankari's card inspired by the Movie:"The Lion the witch and the Wardrobe"

I never had a chance to read the stories until the movie was coming out and then I wanted to read it so that I wouldn't be biased by the movie :) I absolutely loved the story and loved learning about CS Lewis and his inspiration behind the stories. In making this card, my inspiration came from the fact that when the wardrobe is opened - it takes the children into a different world -beyond their wildest imaginations!!!
I loved the colors that Mr. Tumnus has in this picture - so I drew from it and picked out the following colors (dark red, carmel, ice blue and chocolate brown) as the colors for my card. If you would like to use this same color palette - please feel free to do so (in no way is that a requirement!!!)

And I can't even tell you how good it is to be back and with you all again!!
Can't wait to see your creations!!!
Big hugs!!!
Sankari :)
So who is going to be our guest designer next week? It could be YOU!!! All you have to do is to create a card, layout, altered project etc., that is inspired by the movie: Chronicles of Narnia! Your inspiration can come from the costumes, the dialogue, the music, the themes, the characters, the colors - anything at all from the movie!!! The challenge element in this card is to add some Iridescent Sparkle to your card!!!!
BLOG CANDY - as a way to kick off our 60th Challenge and a way to ring in the New Year - we would like to offer the Audrey Recipient from this challenge with $20 gift certificate to Taylored Expressions!!! So get your inky fingers out !!!!
*****Something new that we are doing this year is changing the time that the challenge ENDS and also when the Audrey winner is announced. It makes for a shorter blogpost for saturday - and also lets the Audrey recipient have more time to play along for the next challenge. We hope this helps :). We are also hoping the the winner from the last challenge will join us next week :)
****Please link to us by this THURSDAY, January 7th - by 8PM CENTRAL standard time
and we will announce the Audrey winner on Friday
with the sneak peeks for next saturday's movie!!!
Wishing you and your families the Happiest of New Years!!!
Can't wait to see your yummy creations!!!
See You at the Movies!!!
The Cinema Sisters ;)
Beautiful cards ladies! What a great choice for the first movie challenge of the year. I only participated in a few challenges last year, but hope to be more regular this year :o) I have an idea already, just need to get creative.
Hi Jennie!! Happy New Year!!! Can't wait to see your idea! I am sure its going to be fabulous!!
Big hugs!
Our family adores this book series! It's great beginning with advanced readers 2nd grade and above basic readers and on up from there. We have all seven books as audio dramas too - very entertaining if you like audiobooks, or just want something good for a long car trip. (I listen a lot while stamping!) DH & I enjoyed the movies too!
I cannot believe someone guessed this just from the snippet of the White Witch! I am so amazed since guessing is NOT my forte! lol
Now to play along - maybe St. Valentine's themed......hhmmm..
I know! I can't BELIEVE that you guessed it Nancy!!! Seriously - YOU rock!!! I would NOT have been able to guess that from the wee peeks that we have!!! I would try to make them even smaller next time - but that would be impossible!!! LOL!!! Awesome job guessing Nancy!!!
so cool.. this is my favorite movie :)) great cards!! love them!! xx
welcome back ladies! I had a feeling that this was Narnia as soon as I read the guess - glad to see it was! Will have to put my thinking cap on for a real entry (irridecent sparkle as opposed to glitter or bling? hmmm), but I couldn't help putting in a pic from my Farm Town farm because the lamp post has always been the Narnian one as soon as I saw it (I had planned on posting another part of my farm when we did Two Towers but life kind of went to hell that week so it just never happened)
Nancy, you are my guessing hero! :) Happy crafting everyone!
Hi ladies welcome back! I'm so excited to play along for this movie :) I'm totally with ya Brooke, My 4th grade teacher read it aloud to us & I loved every minute! Good times :) Love, love, love your card Sankari! Right up my alley (Hee! Hee!) OK, let's see if my mojo is with me so I can play along. Hugs to ya!
So glad that you are back, Sankari and Brooke! Your cards are just awesome this week! You picked one of my favorite movies!
I have to give much credit to my husband on the correct guess -he is such a good guesser. He was the one who thought pic #3 looked like plaid, a skirt or vest. I will claim credit from there though LOL!
Can't wait to get something going for the challenge...still have a couple of holiday projects to wrap up (pardon the pun).
Happy New Year all!!
Okay - speaking with a little flush in my cheeks.....I just noticed the addition of the cinema Inspiration Corner info - AWESOME! Kudos to whomever thought of that - wonderful addition.
haven't made anything yet, trying to locate our disc of the movie so hitting costumer's guide int he mean time... but I just thought that some of you may like to know that some filming of the Dawn Treader movie has been done in Australia near where my sister lives... she went along for a tour and got to walk on the ship!!! She said the detail was amazing :D
Carol You crack me up.. I think I am they only one who has see the evolution of your farmtown.. From the horse from Lord or the Rings in Flowers and Hobbit spelled out in FLowers.. I should have guessed that the lantern was from something specific.. Just knowing you... What is the meaning of the courtyard with the little houses.. I think it's the only thing that is original to your farming history... Sad that I even know that... Yes I am a farm nerd....
Nancy you are such a good guesser.. It's always a dagger to my heart when you guess them right know matter who you are.. I feel like I didn't do my job.. but some of you are just so trick and have such clever minds... LOVE YOU ALL!
I have so enjoyed the last few days as I have see a few friends popping in to say hi each day...
These are some awesome cards! I found your challenge on PCP, and already had this digital stamp in mind for Narnia: the White Witch. How cool that it fit in with this challenge! Thanks for the extra push to do the project.
Juli - I am SOooo happy that you like the CInema Inspiration corner - I hope that it makes it easier to make a card,etc. with the particular movie - sometimes it can be hard to find a place from where to start.... It does take a wee bit more work to do that every week - so I might just see how it goes - If you guys have any suggestions for the Cinema Blog please let us know!!
You guys are one of the big reasons that we love doing this blog - it is just so nice to see all of our "cinema family" and to see all the new players and to get to know each of you better!!!
And Carol, I have to agree with Brooke that your Farm is out of control amazing! WOW!!! And that ship looks amazing for THe Narnia sequel Dawn Treader - wow!!!
Jennie that digi stamp is awesome!! So glad that you played along with us!!! YAY!!!
all grt cards!!!
Great cards and great challenge!! Really enjoyed this one. I left my card with Mr. Linky.
Phew! Finally got into gear and got my card in.
Great flick pick! Love the projects so far -beautiful!!
Carol -your farms are FAB, as are you!!
I love this movie and I love glitter! I'm happy to be playing along again! Happy New Year!
Hurray for being back! Even though I don't play along every week, it was lonely over the break without you gals! Can't wait to see everyone's talents this year! :)
Debra Dukes - I'm leaving a comment for you here since I couldn't on your blog - beautiful design and layout!
I love your blog. You're so talented. Thank you for sharing your inspiration and this site.
finally got my card posted!
Hmm, see I had planned on posting on my blog about my farm in Two Towers week, but the house fire put paid to those plans... maybe I shall still do it! But basically it is based on Middle Earth... from left to right: there's some animals and orchards for the hobbits farming habits, the Green Dragon in (is this the courtyard you were talking about Brooke?) by the Mill with the lake in front, Party Tree (really a close collection of cherry trees), Bag End (really hard to do, I tried using dome tents...), Old Man Willow, Rivendell, Fangorn Forest, Rohan, and then a Gondorian corner. The second farm has a smaller orchard and more fields, then Bree (with Bill the Pony), Weathertop (with Nazgul scarecrows) opposite the midgewater, the entrance to Moria (with lake but without Watcher), Caradhras, bit more Fangorn, Helm's Deep, The Forbidden Pool, Shelob's Lair, Mordor and finishing with the Grey Havens!
back from swimming lessons and dinner at the in-laws now so I'll check out everyone else's work. Just thought I'd reply to Sankari and Nancy here... I can't believe you ladies didn't know that Karl Urban was Bones in the latest Star Trek! That's the main reason he was appearing at that convention when I snapped him with the Rohan bookmark I made :)
Sankari- I am so glad you also knew that SNL song!!!!! I was afraid people might think I am crazy! I am happy we have the same kind of humor! ;) Happy Friday!
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