Good Morning Everyone! Welcome to our 64th Cinema challenge where today we are featuring the Oscar winning movie (actually 11 Oscars!!!) - the epic movie: Titanic - which among many awards - also won Best Picture! (We still can't believe that you guys guessed it! See this is why we have pics of sky and grass!!! And you guys STILL guess it right!! Amazing!) This movie is simply amazing - the music, the costumes, the visual effects, the story, etc. Its actually hard to watch it again without crying (okay - sobbing! :) The challenge requirement this week is to use a little bit (or a lot) of blue and silver in your creation - You are free to use any colors - just add a big of blue and silver to it. If you need more inspiration - here are some themes that you can use for your creation - hope that this is helpful:

For more memorable quotes from Titanic: check out this link
***For more information about the Titanic (the history behind it) Check out this link
For more information about the making of Titanic and you can check out the trailer here or you can watch it here:
Brooke's Card inspired by the movie "Titanic"
Enjoy the show..
Sankari's Card inspired by the movie "Titanic"
I always hear music when I think of the movie Titanic - actually - just one song..."The Heart Does Go on" by Celine Dion.... sigh - and it always makes me think of Jack and Rose "flying on the bow of the boat... don't you just hear the song in your head! So I created a little card of the bow of the boat with the sentiment from the song from the verse:
"Love can touch us one time, and last for a lifetime, And never go till we're one..
Love was when I loved you, One true time I hold to, In my life we'll always go on..

Near, far, where ever you are, I believe that the heart does go on,
Once more, you open the door, And you're here in my heart - And my heart will go on...."
Sigh.. what a movie - I couldn't even watch parts of it last night as I made this card - because it just made my heart ache... actually sniffling right now just thinking about it... I loved making this card and can't wait to see your creations this week!
To check out the card details please stop by my blog!
Big hugs!
Sankari :)

This week we have Nancy joining us as our guest designer - who received the Audrey for her "DumDum/GumGum" creation for the movie: Night at the Museum! THank you so much Nancy for joining us today!!!
Nancy's Card inspired by the movie "Titanic"
I love this movie, talk about inspiration! The costumes, the sets, the music -all beautiful and amazing, not to mention the strength, the triumphs & the tragedies of the characters. So many scenes in this movie captivate me. I have been mildly obsessed with the Titanic story since I was about 10 or so, I've seen the exhibit several times in different cities, but it wasn't this that caught me for this challenge. It was a lengthy quote by Jack's character, while he was having dinner with the first class passengers when asked about his "third class lifestyle":
Jack: Well, yes, ma'am, I do... I mean, I got everything I need right here with me. I got air in my lungs, a few blank sheets of paper. I mean, I love waking up in the morning not knowing what's gonna happen or, who I'm gonna meet, where I'm gonna wind up. Just the other night I was sleeping under a bridge and now here I am on the grandest ship in the world having champagne with you fine people. I figure life's a gift and I don't intend on wasting it. You don't know what hand you're gonna get dealt next. You learn to take life as it comes at you... to make each day count.
The last few lines just really clicked with me -grabbed ahold of my heart and made me run for the tissue. :) So I wanted to make a project (not a card!) that would remind me to make each day count. I initially had planned on putting in a picture from our family vacation on an Alaskan Cruise, but then I decided I would rather show a picture that demonstrated the "making it count".This is a pic of DH and kids on our last day together before his deployment. It was a great day, and we made the most of our last hour together."
Thank you so much Nancy for being our Guest Designer this week! What an amazing moment you have captured of your DH and your children just before his deployment... And just that you will use this gorgeous clipboard everyday and see this moment is just the sweetest!
So who is going to be our guest designer next week? It could be YOU!!! All you have to do is to create a card, layout, altered project etc., that is inspired by the movie: Titanic! Your inspiration can come from the costumes, the dialogue, the music, the themes, the characters, the colors - anything at all from the movie!!! ****The challenge element in this card is to use some blue and silver your card!!!!
****Please link to us by this THURSDAY,February 5th - by 8PM CENTRAL standard time
and we will announce the Audrey winner on Friday
with the sneak peeks for next saturday's movie!!!
Happy Creating
Can't wait to see your yummy creations!!!
See You at the Movies!!!
The Cinema Sisters ;)