Welcome Everyone to our 17th Cinema Challenge – where this week, we are so happy to present the movie The Princess Bride. And no matter what how sneaky our sneak peeks are (even when its just sky!!!! You guys still amaze us with how you can guess a movie out of just a few pixils!!! Okay – that’s it – next time we are just going to show you blades of grass!! LOL!!..
The Princess Bride, according to Wikipedia is listed at number 50 on Bravo's "100 Funniest Movies" and is ranked at number 88 out of the 100 greatest film love stories of all time, according to the American Film Institue (AFI's 100 Years... 100 Passions"). It is orginally a novel written in 1973 that was released as a movie in 1987, where it met with modest success. Since that time however, the movie's fame and notreity has grown and has developed a cult like following. According to Wikipedia, in 2000, The Princess Bride was voted by Total Film as the 38th most comedic movie of all time. This movie is a true cult classic - and for all those who love this movie - you will love this website on all the memorable quotes from the Princess Bride and also this link that shows the characters as they were in 1987 and their more recent pictures a : Then and Now slideshowIt is a wonderfully romantic film and we thought a perfect pick with Valentine's day around the corner!
Haven't seen the movie? No worries, you can watch the whole thing on Youtube in 9 parts: Here are the links to the 9 parts of the Princess Bride on Youtube:
Part 1, Part 2, Part 3, Part 4, Part 5 , Part 6, Part 7, Part 8 and Part 9
This week, we are so excited to announce a few exciting things!
1. 2 Awesome Guest Designers - We are so blessed to have 2 awesome guest designers who have agreed to design for this challenge! We would like to thank Ann Cox of Creative Antics and Melanie Muenchinger of Hands, Head and Heart for designing us these beautiful projects inspried from the Princess Bride.
2. A beautiful stamp set for the Audrey recipient (the Audrey is given out to the person whose creation captures some aspect of the movie)
3. The very first sketch component to a Cinema Saturday movie pick! So are you ready for all the fun in store this week?
Well, here we go:
Sankari's Card Inspired by the Princess Bride
I totally fell in love with the Princess Bride when I was in highschool. I think I was like Ann, and could quote the movie line by line. I think I must have watched it over a fifty times. One of my favorite memories is watching it with my highschool girlfriends at a slumber party eating popcorn and swooning over Westley's character and quoting all the memorable quotes (in our pajamas, with popcorn in our mouths) as the movie was on. One of my favorite lines from the movie is: "My brains, his steel, and your strength against sixty men, and you think a little head jiggle is supposed to make me happy? hmmm? " The other line that I love comes from Westley's devotion to Buttercup and how he expresses his love with the sentiment: "as you wish". For this card, I a stamp from Melanie's beautiful stamp set that I colored to show Princess Buttercup and Westley (Dread Pirate Roberts) holding hands with the sentiment as you wish being repeated in the circle again and again.

I made this card using the sketch challenge that you will find more details about towards the end of the blog nad You can check out more details on my blog.
Brooke's Card Inspired by the Princess Bride
When I was a Senior in high school 20(choking) years ago... I was in a women's ensemble. We were practicing for a little barbershop number using canes and hats... I know corny... anyway my girlfriend raised and pointed her sword(cane) toward me and said these famous words to me: "Hello my name is Inigo Montoya you killed my father prepare to die" I totally had not clue what she was talking about.. So She explained to me all about a movie call "The Princess Bride" and that was pretty much history... We had many swords fights that spring as we rehearsed for our spring showcase...
When I married my sweetie pie this was one of his favorite movies and now one of our children's favorite movies.. I think I watched this movie 3 times in a row while I was making cards yesterday. "Inconceivable" but true. I even watched the extra features and Mandy Patinkin boobs like a baby.. He just couldn't believe he was part of such an amazing movie it's really cute. He was so happy bless his heart... In the interview he say "I asked Rob Reiner what he thought this move was really all about and he told me: "The most important thing in life is true love".
So that's were I got my inspiration from. "True Love"
Come over to my blog to get all the details..
Ann's Wish Journal Inspired by the Princess Bride
First of all, I have to say thank you to Sankari and Brooke for choosing me to be a guest designer for this movie. I have adored The Princess Bride for years, and it’s one of those movies that I can quote practically word for word. I just love how the movie maintains some of the traditional fairy tale elements while weaving in all sorts of humor—from the witty banter of the “man in black” to the utterly ridiculous (anyone else love the scene where Inigo and Fezzik start rhyming?).
I had lots of ideas for this challenge, but I kept coming back to Westley’s famous line, “As you wish” and the idea of fairy tales in general. So I created a wish journal—the perfect place for a princess to record her most secret wishes.

Melanie's Book Inspired by the Princess Bride
I have always been passionate about books and films, which allow me to step out of my world and into another. And a film about a book? So much the better! :) When asked to Guest Design for "The Princess Bride" this week, one of my favorites because it has it all: romance, action, wit, and the sharing of a story between loved ones, I remembered a book design I made for the Splitcoast Dirty Dozen Gallery several years ago. That book opened to reveal a box to store trinkets or letters, but I thought about how easy it would be adapt that here to open the cover and reveal several "card" pages showing my favorite parts and quotes from this story. With paper, ink, sponges, a gold pen and a little scoring, it is truly amazing how you can recreate the look of leather and old parchment to make an antique, gilded book. Before I even knew what stamping was, I'd always dreamed of illustrating books of my own. There's something so magical and mysterious to me about an old book, and the tale of "The Princess Bride" was the
perfect opportunity to create one that begged to be opened. Now I'm inspired to make more "books" (or "movie-books" LOL!), the favorites of friends or family. (When I have little more time on my hands, some pop-up pages will be in order!)
We would really like to thank Ann and Melanie for being our guest designers this week - their creations are total inspirations! This week we are offering a very special PRIZE!!! Melanie Muenchinger, who is one of our guest designers this week, is also the senior illustrator at Gina K. designs. This week's prize is one of Melanie's beautiful stamp set: Hand In Hand. (check out all the stamps that she has designed here) So how can you be eligible ???
1. This week, Sankari has created a sketch and is in charge of the sketch challenge over at Paper Craft Planet this week (every saturday they have a new sketch challenge that goes from saturday to saturday). In order to be eligible to win the prize for this week's challenge, you have to use the sketch below with this week's movie which is the Princess Bride.

so a few more clarifications:
2. you don't have to use the sketch challenge to play along
3. in order to be eligible to win Melanie's stamp set - you have to incorporate the sketch.
3. Please leave a comment on this blog post with your entry by this Thursday -9 pm PST
4. If using the sketch and movie challenge together - please also upload to Paper Craft Planet using 2 tags: sk013109 and cinemasaturday (all one word, lowercase letters) - in this way - i can create an album that can be featured with all of your works ;)
We are overjoyed at all of our wonderful players and guessers and all the people who have stopped by to say hello!! We can't even tell you how excited we are to meet all of you!
Please don't forget to check out all the beautiful entries from the Wizard of Oz, including Kelly's beautiful creation. And also scroll down to see the sneak peek reveals from this week's sneak peeks (we just don't know how you guys guess the movie every week!!!)
We hope you will play along this week and we are eagerly awaiting to see all of your beautiful creations!
Big hugs to all!!!
See you at the movies :)
Sankari and Brooke :)